Formal Uniform: Long sleeved white shirt, club tie, black v necked vest, beige jodhpurs, regulation boots and helmet. Horse to wear club saddlecloth.
Rally Uniform: Rally Day Polo Shirt, jodhpurs or moleskin’s in either beige, black or navy, regulation boots and helmet. Horse to wear club saddle cloth.
Uniform prices are as follows:
Rally Shirts
Childs Rally Day Polo Shirt (sizes 4 – 12) $35
Adults Rally Day Polo Short (sizes: Ladies 8 – 18 & Mens: S – XXL) $40
Childs Rally Day Long Sleeve Polo Shirt (sizes 4 – 12) $40
Adults Rally Day Long Sleeve Polo Short (sizes: Ladies 8 – 18 & Mens: S – XXL) $45
Saddlecloths all $75
Sizes available: Pony or Full
Ties $25
Black vests: $45
Winter Jackets: $65
Uniform Ordering Procedure:
For uniform purchasing please email our uniform officer, Amy Bright, Amy.Bright@startrack.com.au and admin@nerangponyclub.com.au with uniform items required. Once received bank details will be provided and After payment made, collection can be made from uniform officer.
Formal Uniform Rules & Requirements
When competing in official PCAQ events, it is compulsory for all members to wear the full formal uniform when riding and during presentation. Formal uniform requirements are set out in our handbook and includes: fawn or beige jodhpurs (not banana or another colour), White long sleeved shirt, Black v-necked vest and club tie. Approved helmet and boots. Horse to wear club saddlecloth.
For more see Riding Attire in National Gear Rules: National-Gear-Rules-2022.pdf
The correct PCAQ Ruling 2008:
PULLOVER: OPTIONAL V-necked Pullovers, sleeved or sleeveless (Vest), no collar. Stripes on pullovers/vests should only be on the V-neck or cuffs. No bands are permitted on the body of the garment. If club adopts a pullover/vest as part of the club uniform, it must be registered with PCAQ. (PCAQ, 2008)
Our vest is registered with PCAQ but vests/pullovers are usually only worn in Winter. It has been verified with Jane Bell & PCAQ that although our club has a registered vest, our riders can ride without vest, if they so choose, they do not need permission from the host club. All rule books stipulate OPTIONAL. All parents/instructors/judges have a duty of care to the rider/child, when there are hot conditions, riders are recommended NOT to ride in a vest/pullover, due to heat stress, therefore they do not need permission from host club to remove vest. All PCAQ Clubs have an Official Uniform of Long sleeved shirt, fly away tie, jodhpurs, & short brown jodhpur boots. That is the official uniform.
Please remember that you are representing Nerang Pony Club when you compete at these events and you must present yourself in a tidy manner – both while competing and at the presentation ceremony eg. Shirt sleeves must be down and buttoned and shirts tucked in. If you are NOT in FORMAL uniform (including vest) at the presentation of awards the host club may decide NOT to give you your award.